Mike Pilavachi was one of the most influential and charismatic leaders in the evangelical Christian world. He founded Soul Survivor, a church and a youth festival that attracted tens of thousands of young people from around the globe. He preached about love, grace, and intimacy with God. He was admired, respected, and trusted by many.
But behind the scenes, Mike Pilavachi was hiding a dark secret. A secret that involved abusing his spiritual authority to control, manipulate, and exploit his victims. A secret that involved wrestling young men on the floor, massaging them in his bedroom, and dropping them when they no longer served his needs. A secret that was exposed by a courageous group of survivors who came forward to share their stories with The Telegraph.
In this article, we will reveal the shocking truth about Mike Pilavachi ministry and the harm he caused to countless lives. We will also explore how the Church of England and the Soul Survivor church responded to the allegations, and what steps are being taken to ensure justice and healing for the victims
The allegations against Pilavachi first came to light in April 2023, when The Telegraph published a series of interviews with his alleged victims. They claimed that Pilavachi had groomed them when they were young and vulnerable and subjected them to physical and psychological abuse.
One of the victims, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he was 17 when he met Pilavachi at a Soul Survivor event. He said that Pilavachi took him under his wing and invited him to stay at his house. There, he said, Pilavachi would wrestle him on the floor, massage him with oil, and make sexual jokes. He said that Pilavachi also tried to isolate him from his family and friends, and made him feel guilty for questioning his behaviour.
Another victim, who also asked not to be named, said that he was 18 when he joined Soul Survivor as an intern. He said that Pilavachi would often invite him and other interns to his bedroom, where he would massage them and touch them inappropriately. He said Pilavachi would also comment about their appearance, sexuality, and faith. He said that Pilavachi would manipulate them by saying that he loved them and that he was doing this for their good.
A third victim, who identified himself as James, said he was 19 when he became a staff member at Soul Survivor. He said that Pilavachi would often wrestle him in the church office, pinning him down and straddling him. He said that Pilavachi would also hug him tightly and kiss him on the cheek. He said that Pilavachi would use his spiritual authority to control him and make him feel dependent on him.
These are just some of the stories that have emerged from the investigation into Pilavachi’s conduct. According to the Church of England, the safeguarding concerns relating to his leadership and ministry spanned 40 years. The investigation also found evidence of a culture of fear and silence at Soul Survivor, where Pilavachi’s victims felt unable to speak out or seek help.
The allegations against Mike Pilavachi triggered a safeguarding investigation by the Church of England, which concluded in September 2023 that the concerns were “substantiated” and that he had exhibited “an abuse of power relating to his ministry and spiritual abuse”. Pilavachi resigned from Soul Survivor and was suspended from all ministry pending further action.
The investigation also found that the senior pastor of Soul Survivor, Andy Croft, had failed to act on three separate occasions concerning safeguarding allegations against Pilavachi. Croft, who was one of Pilavachi’s former interns and a close friend, was suspended by the trustees of Soul Survivor in June 2023. He later apologised for his actions and said that he was “deeply affected personally by Mike’s behaviour”.
The associate pastor of Soul Survivor, Ali Martin, who also met Pilavachi as a teenager, was also suspended in June 2023 but was reinstated in September 2023 after the safeguarding concerns were not substantiated.
The Church of England and Soul Survivor have both expressed their sorrow and support for the victims of Pilavachi’s abuse and have committed to ensuring justice and healing for them. The Bishop of St Albans, Dr Alan Smith, said that he was “deeply saddened and shocked” by the investigation’s findings and that he was “committed to ensuring that the diocese provides the best possible care and support for those who have been harmed”.
Soul Survivor issued a statement saying that it was “heartbroken” by the revelations and that it was “working closely with the diocese and the NST to ensure that we are doing everything we can to support those who have been affected and to ensure that Soul Survivor is a safe place for all”.
However, some of the victims have expressed their dissatisfaction and frustration with the response of the Church and Soul Survivor, and have called for a more comprehensive, independent, and transparent investigation into the allegations and the institutional culture that enabled them. They have also accused the Church and Soul Survivor of being more concerned with protecting their reputation and image than with addressing the harm and trauma caused by Mike Pilavachi abuse.
The revelations about Mike Pilavachi abuse have shaken the evangelical Christian community and raised serious questions about the accountability and transparency of its leaders and institutions. How could such a prominent and respected figure abuse his power and position for so long, and why was he not stopped sooner? How could Soul Survivor, a church that claimed to be passionate about reaching young people with the gospel, fail to protect them from harm and trauma? How could the Church of England, which has pledged to make safeguarding a priority, overlook the concerns and complaints of the victims?
These questions demand honest and thorough answers, not only for the sake of justice and healing for the survivors but also for the sake of the credibility and integrity of the Church and its mission. The Church and Soul Survivor have expressed their sorrow and support for the victims, and have committed to ensuring justice and healing for them. But is this enough?
Some of the victims have called for a more comprehensive, independent, and transparent investigation into the allegations and the institutional culture that enabled them. They have also accused the Church and Soul Survivor of being more concerned with protecting their reputation and image than with addressing the harm and trauma caused by Pilavachi’s abuse.
The story of Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor is a tragic and sobering reminder of the dangers of unchecked power, unaccountable leadership, and unquestioning loyalty. It is also a challenge and an opportunity for the Church and its members to learn from the mistakes of the past, listen to the voices of the survivors, and work together to create a safer and healthier environment for all. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). May this be true for the Church, for Soul Survivor, and for all who have been affected by Mike Pilavachi abuse.
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