I guess, your child has completed the primary education or his session is just about to end. And, you have landed here with the hope to get some light on the secondary education.
So, without much ado, let’s start…
Secondary school education provides a kid with multiple options for a bright future, with uncountable subjects like foreign language science and Arts. Additionally, it can set up your child for receiving College admission and give them career options and help them to become independent adults.
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In today’s modern generation, it is not possible to progress without secondary education. It’s because secondary education gives students the opportunities to explore various career options.
After candidates complete their secondary school education, they get the chance to explore in-depth the subject they feel interested in. Besides, it allows them to choose the career they actually want to pursue.
Candidates develop and practice the vocational skills, knowledge, and attitude they learn for their career options.
Secondary education enables students to develop important skills in life like critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving.
The aforementioned skills help students to become successful in their lives and enjoy a bright future. They start preparing to visit the university or college for the career they want to have.
Secondary school education prepares the students to make contributions to their state, country, or town.
At a certain point, we need to step back from the details and get hold of the basics. Selecting a school means carving the future of your child. You cannot make mistakes at this stage, can you?
Your first task will be to look at the academic record of the school, especially, the math and English results. Moreover, do not forget about the extracurricular activities and after-school activities.
Do you have the right forms in hand and did you feel them correctly? Some schools really have specific procedures to follow when it comes to filling up the application forms. Ensure that you check with the school as well as the local education authority to find out whether you have provided them with the right information.
Does the school conduct educational trips for the students? Also, check out the extra fees that might become difficult for you to keep up with in the future
Find out about the location of your school. Like, is the location safe for children? Do not forget about regular traveling. Do check the time it takes to complete the distance between your residence and the school. If it’s too far, it can become difficult for you as well as your child.
When it comes to secondary education, there are the ever-increasing challenges of stagnant budgets, rising fees, and overcrowded classrooms.
The aforementioned challenges sometimes stem from major changes in the greatest society, which affect the operation and structure of secondary school education institutions. As a result, nowadays, schools mostly prefer to hire individuals who have never experienced teaching in a school to fulfill the key leadership roles.
Yes, vocational skills are actually taught in secondary school in Singapore. But what you get to learn depends on where you enroll. Vocational skills generally cover multiple practices like woodwork auto shop baking mixing and architecture.
Besides, vocational classes are included in secondary schools because it provides students with a kick-start in pursuing the right training for their future career.
Yes, it is definitely possible to get a moderately high-paying job after completing your secondary education. But the opportunities are rare because most of the companies offering high salaries usually look for candidates with tertiary degrees.
Getting high-paid jobs actually depends on the skills of a candidate and how he can prove himself to be an asset to the hiring company. The skills include tech skills, marketing skills, etc.
Education has a vast role in carving an individual. So, it’s advisable to opt for the best international school in Singapore to ensure that your child is in safe hands. Singapore international educational centers are known for their excellence in studies, extra-curricular activities and lots more. We have already learnt that secondary education is irreplaceable in life, and a Singapore international school can make it really special for your child,
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